Penn Professor to Lecture on Discipline Policy Reform
Matthew Steinberg, assistant professor of education at the University of Pennsylvania, will give a lecture titled "Rolling Back Zero Tolerance: Evidence on the Scope and Impact of Discipline Policy Reform" at noon Friday, Oct. 21 on the University of Arkansas campus.
The lecture is part of the Department of Education Reform lecture series. RSVP online for lunch on the lecture website. Deadline to RSVP is 1 p.m. the Wednesday before the lecture.
Steinberg is the faculty methodologist for the Penn IES Pre-Doctoral Training Program, a faculty Fellow with the Penn Institute for Urban Research, a faculty affiliate with the Penn Wharton Public Policy Initiative, a senior researcher at the Consortium for Policy Research in Education, an affiliated researcher with the University of Chicago Consortium on School Research, and an academic affiliate with the Educator Impact Laboratory at Mathematica Policy Research. Steinberg is a recipient of the 2016 National Academy of Education/Spencer Postdoctoral Fellowship. He received his doctorate in public policy from the University of Chicago in 2012.
Steinberg's work explores questions of educational significance related to teacher evaluation and human capital, urban school reform, school climate and safety, and school finance. His work aims to inform the local and national policy discussions on the role of education policy and school reform in improving the schooling outcomes for students, particularly the most disadvantaged students in urban school settings. His current work explores the impact of school reform in Philadelphia schools, including school closings and school discipline policy.
Heidi S. Wells, director of communications
College of Education and Health Professions