Nominations Sought for U of A Extraordinary Women and Women's Advocates

In an effort to spotlight extraordinary women and advocates at the U of A, the Chancellor's Commission on Women encourages all members of the Fayetteville campus community to consider recognizing such persons.

A U of A extraordinary woman leads by example, is a role model and is an inspiration for others seeking women's empowerment. They empower individuals around them and make a positive impact on women's experiences on our campus.

A women's advocate is an individual who leads by example, is a role model and mentor, and is an inspiration for others seeking gender equality and women's empowerment. They mentor and empower individuals around them and make a positive impact on women's experiences on our campus.

Any member of the U of A community (faculty, staff or student) or a U of A-based organization may nominate a person to be recognized as an extraordinary woman or women's advocate. Self-nominations will not be accepted. Please follow this link for nomination forms and information on eligibility and the recognition process.

Although the commission accepts nominations continuously, this year's recognitions nomination window will close at 11:59 p.m. Friday, March 21. Extraordinary Women and Women's Advocates will be recognized at an event in April.

2024 Extraordinary Women

In spring 2024, the following persons received Extraordinary Woman recognitions:


  • Rebekah Samsonraj, assistant professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering


  • Kathryn Zawiska, associate CIO for campus partnerships, University IT Services


  •  Shantel Romer, M.S. student in Department of Industrial Engineering

2024 Women' s Advocates

The commission also recognized these Women's Advocates:


  • Mostafa Elsaadany, teaching assistant professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering


  • Xochitl Delgado Solorzano, assistant dean, Honors College


  • Adedoyin Abe, Ph.D. candidate in Department of Mechanical Engineering

About the Chancellor's Commission on Women: Founded in 2010, the Chancellor's Commission on Women is an advisory group charged with reviewing and monitoring policies, programs and issues to ensure that all women at the university are given the best possible opportunities for success within the institution and in their professional and college careers. Membership comprises both graduate and undergraduate students, faculty, and staff who serve on staggered three-year appointments to ensure fresh and diverse points of view. The group collectively decides on issues to address each year, and relies on input from colleagues, students, and occasional surveys to gain a sense of the campus' interests and needs.


Autumn Spicher, director of development, Fulbright College
University Development

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