Tyson Explores Future Career in Automotive Engineering in German Internship at Audi

Tyson Explores Future Career in Automotive Engineering in German Internship at Audi
Luke Tyson

Luke Tyson, who is pursuing a BSME in mechanical engineering and a BA in German, recently completed a six-month internship at Audi AG in Ingolstadt, Germany. Audi AG, a part of the Volkswagen Group, has built a reputation for its design and performance-driven approach with its slogan "Vorsprung durch Technik" ("advantage through technology," or the technological edge). Tyson's role at Audi provided him with first-hand experience working within the heart of German engineering excellence and solidified his passion for the automotive industry.

"I worked as an intern in seat belt development at Audi, where my main job was designing and solving issues related to belt systems across various models," Tyson explained. "I had the opportunity to work with and test the belt systems across several models and prototypes, diagnosing problems and using CATIA and other design tools to develop solutions for issues found." He emphasized how this hands-on experience deepened his appreciation for Audi's meticulous approach and commitment to innovation. Tyson credited his ability to work effectively in this environment to his linguistic skills: "None of this would have been possible without the German language, and being forced to use it both professionally and personally has transformed my perspective on communication and strengthened my ability to linguistically and culturally adapt to the globalized world we live in today."

Tyson's time at Audi not only advanced his technical skills but also fueled his aspirations for an international career in the automotive sector. "A company like Audi is so embedded in the global market, and this internship has given me the perspective and the confidence to be able to thrive in an international work environment," Tyson said. "And having the opportunity to work with and learn from a company that aims to push the auto industry forward through innovation has not only inspired me to continue that mission, but also provided me with the insight and experience to be able to do so."

Reflecting on his journey, Tyson encourages others to embrace diverse opportunities and maintain an open mind: "Trying everything that looks remotely interesting and being open to things that are different takes you a long way in foreign places. And people are always eager to engage with you, no matter the language barrier, if you have an open mind and are enthusiastic. The same goes with finding internships; apply to everything that looks remotely interesting, carry some enthusiasm and some confidence, and someone will give you a shot."

Tyson is part of the International Engineering Program at the U of A, in which students spend their fourth year abroad taking courses at the Technical University of Darmstadt and completing an internship. Find out more about the International Engineering Program and opportunities for students.


Dr. Kathleen Condray, professor of German
World Languages
479-575-5938, condray@uark.edu

Jennifer P. Cook, director of communications
College of Engineering
479-575-5697, jpc022@uark.edu


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