Awareness to Action: Advances in Sexual Violence Research
During the second week of Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) and facilitated by the Campus Collaborative Against Sexual Assault, the Divisions of Student Affairs and Academic Affairs are teaming to address sexual assault. A panel discussion with some University of Arkansas faculty performing research in various areas of sexual violence will be held at 4 p.m. today, Wednesday, April 10, starting in Waterman Hall 240 (E.J. Ball Courtroom, Leflar Law Center). A meet and greet reception will immediately follow the panel discussion.
This SAAM event presents an opportunity to engage with current researchers and learn more about addressing sexual violence. Each researcher has unique pespective and work that contributes toward combating sexual violence.
Featured faculty panelist include: Shristi Bhochhibhoya, Lindsay S. Ham, Jackie Mosley, Lauren Copley Sabon, and Christopher A. Shields. Each panelist is well known for their research and contributions to knowledge about sexual violence.
Bhochhibhoya, assistant professor in the Public Health Program, has primary research interests in social determinants of health and health disparities, particularly within the context of adolescent sexual health and relationship violence. She focuses on exploring the etiological pathways that disparately predispose high-risk minority groups to multiple adverse sexual and reproductive health outcomes.
Ham, professor of psychological science and licensed psychologist, directs the Alcohol Research Lab that aims to understand the challenges individuals and groups face in situations where alcohol is present. Ham’s recent work has addressed the far too common intersection of sexual violence and alcohol in young adults – especially the high rates of sexual violence that occur in contexts involving alcohol use and misuse.
Mosley serves as professor and assistant dean of Bumpers College. Her research program has focused on issues related to interpersonal violence in the area of risk factors for victimization, including marginalized populations (i.e., LGBTQ+ community, students with disabilities); various systems of campus sexual assault, including Title IX, consent, alcohol consumption and bystander intervention; and cultural competence and how it can be applied to various settings (i.e., students, educators).
Most recently, Sabon, teaching associate professor of sociology and criminology, has concentrated on the role of informal social networks in the recruiting of sex workers, expanding client bases, and building criminal enterprises. Sabon also investigates the socio-legal context of sex trafficking and how it is framed, legally defined, and rationalized by actors.
Shields created the Human Trafficking Research Study in 2013 and began collecting Federal Human Trafficking criminal cases, with a focus on legal responses to human trafficking. The project is now located in the Terrorism Research Center in Fulbright College as an integral part of the center's research focus.
Throughout SAAM, a display of library materials that address sexual assault may be found at Mullins Library. The campus community is encouraged to participate with Teal Tuesday by wearing teal on Tuesdays in show of solidarity against sexual asssault.
Each week of April, a campus event is being held with focus on addressing sexual assault. Please visit for a calendar of collaborative events presented through the Campus Collaborative Against Sexual Assault.
The Campus Collaborative Against Sexual Assault partners include: SRVC (Sexual and Relationship Violence Center), Title IX, Office of Student Accountability, SEAR (Substance Education, Assessment, and Recovery), ASG (Associated Student Government), GPSC (Graduate and Professional Student Congress), Greek Life, Multicultural Center, OEOC (Office of Equal Opportunity and Compliance), CAPS (Counseling and Psychological Services), University Programs, University Housing, UA Cares, UAPD (University Police), and new campus partners added as identified. If a university department or student group is interested in joining the Collaborative, please reach out to
Mary A. Wyandt-Hiebert, director
Sexual and Relationship Violence Center
Scott Flanagin, executive director of communications
Division of Student Affairs
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