GSIE Now Accepting Gifts for Michael C. Freeman International Programs Endowment

Michael Freeman (left) and GSIE Dean Ed Pohl during Freeman's retirement reception Feb. 27.
In honor of Michael Freeman, former director of the International Students and Scholars Office who retired in February after 39 years of service to the university, the Graduate School and International Education has established the Michael C. Freeman International Programs Endowment to support innovative leadership programs for the International Culture Team within the ISS Office.
"Michael Freeman was an exceptional leader for GSIE and the U of A for more than three decades, and it is his wish that this endowment supports the leadership development of our international students," said Ed Pohl, dean of the Graduate School and International Education. "We are honored to continue his legacy by developing future generations of international leaders at the U of A."
The International Culture Team, a dynamic group of international students, scholars and educators, strives to bring the world to campus and community, break stereotypes, highlight lesser-known countries and develop a sense of community through learning from each other. Representing more than 30 countries from across the world, ICT offers global education to the U of A campus, schools at all grade levels, businesses and community organizations throughout Northwest Arkansas. International students presenting for ICT develop crucial leadership competencies such as public speaking, confidence and communication skills essential for their continued education and professional careers.
Lead gifts are being accepted, and pledges may be fulfilled over a three-year period. Checks, credit card payments, electronic bank drafts and appreciated securities are all accepted, as are employee corporate matching gifts.
To donate to the fund, visit the university's giving page. In the drop-down box for "Designation," select "Other department, program or fund," then designate your gift by typing in, "Michael C. Freeman International Program Fund."
For more information on the endowment, contact Mathilda Hatfield, associate director of development in GSIE, at or 479-575-3007.
John Post, director of communications
Graduate School and International Education