Electronic Signature Licensing Now Available
Electronic signature licensing is now available by request for faculty and staff members who require electronic signature services for their business processes. Adobe Sign is the recommended solution for managing electronic signatures. DocuSign is also available through the U of A System office.
Both services provide features such as signature requests, audit trail, multi-party signing, customizable templates and mobile apps. Here's a brief overview of the differences:
Adobe Sign (recommended)
- Adobe Sign integrates with Adobe Acrobat and can be requested directly from the university.
- Requests take up to two business days to be processed.
- Departments will be billed at $1 per transaction.
Note: Adobe Sign is not included with the university's Adobe Creative Cloud license and must be requested separately.
- DocuSign requests will be reviewed by the U of A System office.
- Requests can take up to two weeks to be processed.
- Departments will be billed at $2.70 per envelope.
Learn more about DocuSign envelopes.
Additional Options
Other options that do not require special licensing or requests include Adobe Fill & Sign (for signers only) and Microsoft Forms (for submitting and approving simple requests). IT Services recommends that you use your UARK account credentials to sign into these services when performing university business.
Request Access
Request Electronic Signature Access to Adobe Sign or DocuSign. All grad assistants and student employees must have their request submitted by their supervisor.
Request Support
Users experiencing issues with accessing or requesting electronic signature services can request support by contacting the IT Help Desk.
Rachel Gerner, content strategist
Information Technology Services
479-387-3824, rgerner@uark.edu