GPSC Survey Indicates Graduate Research Affected by Remote Operations
In conjunction with the university's COVID-19 Research Response team, the Graduate Professional Student Congress asked the graduate student population how their work has been affected since switching to remote operations. The survey contained questions regarding research activity, work from home conditions, and personal effects during the pandemic.
Ten percent of the graduate student population responded. Over half of the respondents were doctoral candidates. Overall, 32% of respondents reported their research was greatly impacted by pandemic restrictions. About 50% reported significant or moderate impact to their research, while 23% reported their research was impacted very little or not at all.
Barriers faced by graduate students during this time include social distancing policies set forth by the university and the larger community to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Difficulties such as accessing materials and equipment and being able to effectively communicate have been encountered by graduate students working from home. Technical issues with the campus VPN (virtual private network) were also experienced among the group. Despite these difficulties only 17% reported their graduation date would be postponed as a result of the pandemic. An additional 21% did indicate that they anticipated that their graduation could possibly be delayed.
Overall, graduate students are struggling with balancing research activities at home. Stress levels are slightly elevated and time management is challenging, according to the respondents. The survey also found that the graduate students generally believe the university has correctly reacted in response to the pandemic and only 15% indicated dissatisfaction with communication from their advisers. Moving forward, the Graduate Professional Student Congress plans to host virtual events that assist with time management and balancing responsibilities of graduate student life to assist with the challenges faced during this pandemic.
Sarah Brown, communications assistant
Office of Research and Innovation