'Light up the Net': 18th Annual Take Back the Night Event
As part of its #uarkcyberSAAM campaign, Pat Walker Health Center's Sexual and Relationship Violence Center (SRVC) is pleased to host the 18th annual Take Back the Night. Although no march will take place, the SRVC is determined to reinforce the message of the popular event by putting a twist on it in an effort to support social distancing measures.
"The 18th annual 'Take Back the Night' event is going virtual," said Dr. Mary A. Wyandt-Hiebert, director of the Sexual and Relationship Violence Center. "Instead of marching to take back the night, we will 'light up the net' in solidarity to reaffirm sexual violence does not belong in our society or anywhere."
Light Up The Net
This year's Take Back the Night event will feature a video tribute of previous Take Back the Night marches, highlighting the Northwest Arkansas community's efforts over the years to share inspirational messages of hope and support for victims and survivors of sexual and relationship violence.
Watch the tribute video and share on your social media accounts to participate in this year's event. Show your support by tagging @uarkRESPECT and using the hashtag #uarkcyberSAAM.
All month long, the Sexual and Relationship Violence Center has offered digital ways to participate in Sexual Assault Awareness Month. The online awareness campaign — #uarkcyberSAAM — features a variety of educational and awareness events that address and speak out against sexual assault and relationship violence. Programs are held in coordination with its award-winning peer education program, RESPECT.
"Through these events of #uarkcyberSAAM and despite social distancing, we have developed a virtual platform to stay connected and continue to address sexual violence while advocating for change," said Wyandt-Hiebert.
The SRVC continues to provide its service in alternative formats. Education efforts have been restructured through remote learning, while individual advocacy services for students are available through phone and video conferencing. Additional resources are provided as needed and general information for accessing resources is provided through various forms of communication. For more information about SRVC and its services, call 479-575-4000.
Zac Garrett Brown, assistant director of communications
Pat Walker Health Center
479-575-4649, zacharyb@uark.edu