Sexual Assault Awareness Month Goes Virtual
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Pat Walker Health Center's Sexual and Relationship Violence Center is taking the annual Sexual Assault Awareness Month virtual to encourage social distancing efforts.
The online awareness campaign — #uarkcyberSAAM — features a variety of educational and awareness events that address and speak out against sexual assault and relationship violence. Programs are held in coordination with its award-winning peer education program, RESPECT.
"Although we are in the midst of unprecedented sacrifices, our commitment to fostering greater awareness and creating dialogue about the need for change, remains intact, "said Dr. Mary Wyandt-Hiebert, director of the Sexual and Relationship Violence Center. "A lot of effort and creative thinking by our team has made this virtual jump possible, and a lot more work will go into making it successful. I am blessed with a great team and group of students to work with."
Schedule of Events
- All Month: Cyber Teal Ribbon campaign encourages the campus community to share their commitment to ending sexual violence. The campaign provides social media and other graphics that can be shared online or printed out and posted on doors, cars, or other visible location.
- All Month: Cyber Survivor Support program encourages people to share messages of hope and support through social media.
- April 10: My Cup is Not My Consent is an informative presentation that aims to educate about the role alcohol plays in sexual assault.
- April 16: The Virtual Take Back the Night will highlighting past Take Back the Night Marches and feature an inspirational message of hope and support for a day free of sexual violence.
- April 23: Jeanne Clery: The Untold Story is an original audio recording that follows the premise of Flowers and Prawat's Crime Junkie podcast.
For more information, visit and follow @uarkRESPECT on social media.
Zac Garrett Brown, assistant director of communications
Pat Walker Health Center