2018 Tax Reform Changes

You may notice a change to your tax withholding and net paycheck amount for pay periods beginning in February 2018.  This change is due to updated Internal Revenue Service (IRS) withholding amounts based on the approved tax reform.  Most employees will likely see a decrease in taxes withheld and an increase in take-home pay. 

You may view your future pay by logging into WebBASIS Employee/Affiliate Access, clicking on My Pay → Future Pay→ Gross Pay (For future pay date). 

The IRS is continuing to update employers on the impact of this tax reform and we will continue to monitor and update you as needed.

IRS links for additional information:

  • IRS Updated 2018 Withholding Table news release IRS News  (explains about the new tax tables and that the IRS is working on a revised 2018 W-4 and withholding calculator)
  • IRS Withholding FAQ's IRS FAQ
  • IRS Notice 1036 - Early Release Copies of the 2018 Percentage Method Tables for Income Tax Withholding IRS Tax Tables and other changes


Eva N. Cordero, Office Manager
Human Resources
479-575-2099, ecordero@uark.edu

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