Meal Plan Scholarships Aid Freshman Commuters
Each year, 500-plus new freshmen live at home instead of on-campus in the residence halls. These freshmen aren't just college students; they have responsibilities to their family, are active in their community, and most are employed. Off-Campus Student Services strives to support these students in their academic careers. They partner with the campus dining provider, Chartwells, to award off-campus meal plan scholarships to 10 freshman commuters each semester.
Each recipient receives a combination of meals that can be used in the three campus dining halls or for Meal Trades. They also receive Dining Dollars, which are accepted at Chartwells retail dining locations. The goal is to encourage off-campus students to spend more time on campus and to increase their access to the fuel that they need to keep them focused in class.
"This meal plan has been amazing in helping me focus on my studies. It has given me peace of mind, because when I'm on campus all day, I don't have to worry about food. With that worry gone, I can now put all my focus and hard work into my studies and my academic success," said one recipient currently receiving the scholarship this semester.
Off-Campus Student Services encourages commuter students to become involved in campus activities. The meal plan scholarships aid in relieving some of the stress of planning for a long day on campus away from home.
"The meal plan has impacted my academic success allowing me to stay on campus longer without having to worry about packing food for dinner or spending a lot of money. I have been able to get more study time in, which has been very beneficial. Marching band rehearsal takes up most of my time outside of classes. Multiple times this semester I would finish rehearsal, grab something to eat at the Union, and then head over to the library to study for a couple of hours before heading home," stated another fall 2018 recipient.
Scholarship recipients are asked to explain their responsibilities in life outside of being a student. They also explain how receiving a meal plan scholarship will help them reach their educational goals. A small committee of university staff members then reviews the applications.
Off-Campus Student Services recently completed the application process for spring 2019. Recipients of the scholarship will be notified once the academic requirement is verified after final fall grades are posted.
More information about Off-Campus Student Services and other programs for freshman commuters can be found at
Samantha Higgins, associate director, marketing and retention programs
Off-Campus Student Services