Call for Proposals: Open Education Southern Symposium
University Libraries and the Global Campus are now accepting proposals for the Open Education Southern Symposium, which is set to take place Oct. 1-2. This call is open to all organizations, including colleges and universities of all sizes, community colleges, special libraries and any others involved in open education and open pedagogy.
Proposals should fall into one of three categories: presentations, panel discussions or lightning talks. The deadline to submit a proposal is 11:59 p.m. on May 31.
"We are thrilled to be hosting the Open Education Southern Symposium this October in Fayetteville," said Stephanie Pierce, head of the Physics Library. "This event has the opportunity to bring together seasoned practitioners and newcomers from around the region who are interested in promoting student success and pedagogical innovation through the use of open educational resources while helping combat the rising costs of education. We hope this symposium provides a rewarding professional development opportunity for librarians, educators, and administrators from around Arkansas and surrounding states, and that it helps people see the University of Arkansas as a leader in open education advocacy and development in relation to our land-grant mission."
To submit a proposal or for more information, please visit the symposium website.
Stephanie Pierce, head, Physics Library
University Libraries
Kelsey Lovewell Lippard, public relations coordinator
University Libraries