Razorback Parkour to Sponsor Humans Versus Zombies This Week
Razorback Parkour registered student organization is sponsoring Humans Versus Zombies, a campuswide game of tag, April 13-18. The game begins at 8 a.m. today, April 13, and ends after the final mission is completed on April 18.
Humans Versus Zombies involves the players going on "missions" throughout campus, trying to win against the other team by completing their task first or eliminating the other team's players by tagging them. All of the game play happens outdoors and on university grounds. Players mark themselves as such by wearing orange bandannas either on their forehead for one team and on their left arm for the second team.
The game is always supervised by "moderators" or members of the Razorback Parkour RSO. The moderators are marked with yellow bandannas on their right arms and can usually be seen in the background of every "mission." Players also are allowed to carry Nerf guns to prevent themselves from being tagged by the enemy team. A Nerf gun is a plastic yellow and orange toy that shoots foam darts. These are completely harmless and are always marked with an orange safety tip to identify them as toys. The players are not allowed to use these toys inside any university building. Humans Versus Zombies is all about teamwork and problem-solving and you can expect to see the players running around campus during this week-long event.
The game is simple: each player starts out as a human and the goal is to survive the week by keeping the hoard of zombie players at bay, trying to not turn into one yourself. Your defense? A Nerf gun and your own wits. Outsmart the other team and bring victory to you and your friends. If you or any of your human allies can survive the week, then the humans win the game. However if you are turned and no humans make it through, the zombies win this round. Join us from April 13-18 on the University of Arkansas Campus and see if you've got what it takes.
Students must sign up to play, but there is no charge and Nerf guns will be provided if needed. Last-minute signups will be available outside the Arkansas Union Food Court from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on April 13-14.
For any questions or for special accommodations due to disability, please contact Lauren Cain 501-428-8810, uofahvz@gmail.com or follow the student organization on Twitter @UofA_HvZ.
Lauren Cain,
Razorback Parkour (RSO)
501-428-8810, uofahvz@gmail.com