Walton College Students Take Top Awards at Model U.N. Conference
Fourteen students of the Sam M. Walton College of Business took part in the Nation Model United Nations – Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Conference 2013 in Washington, D.C.
Robert Stapp, a clinical professor in the Department of Economics, said attending the April conference gave the students a chance to gain international experience without leaving the country. Walton College students also attended Nation Model United Nations Conferences in 2011 and 2012.
“Our students worked very diligently in their preparations and executed and performed superbly while in Washington,” Stapp said. “The students were able to enhance their research, writing and presentation skills.”
The conference holds a United Nations-style forum involving all 21 nations of APEC that would deal with four categories of key issues associated with the group. A particular university represents each nation, with the Walton College students representing both Japan and Russia. “It was not difficult to secure enough of our students to take part,” Stapp said. “Indeed we had an excess of people wanting to be involved.”
During the conference, the students received briefings from senior State Department personnel. In addition, the U.S. trade representative to Japan and APEC, the director general of the Hong Kong Commission and the international wealth management chief of Morgan Stanley also spoke to the students.
Walton College students won top awards at the conference.
For Japan (6 Awards)
- Matt Seubert and Tanner Moore: Outstanding Delegation in the Trade and Investment Working Group
Elizabeth Kyle and Ashton Dawson: Outstanding Position Paper in the Energy Working Group
Kat Stewart and Sean Hillman: Outstanding Position Paper in the Food Security Working Group and Outstanding Delegation in the Food Security Working Group
Autumn Lewis: Outstanding Position Paper in the Health Working Group and Outstanding Delegation in the Health Working Group
For Russia (6 Awards)
Addison Scott and Jake Hardaway: Outstanding Delegation in the Trade and Investment Working Group and Outstanding Position Paper in the Trade and Investment Working Group
Jennifer Roberts and Logan Dodd: Outstanding Delegation in the Energy Working Group
Kelsey Collins: Outstanding Position Paper in the Health Working Group and Outstanding Delegation in the Health Working Group
- Remy LeCompte and Brad Wilson: Outstanding Delegation in the Food Security Working Group
“Winning awards is not the purpose of our program,” Stapp said. “We want our students to learn, improve their leadership skills and have a vigorous academic experience. A natural consequence of having outstanding students will inherently lead to significant recognition.”
The students were recognized as National Scholars by the Office of Nationally Competitive Awards at the awards reception on April 29 at the Janelle Y. Hembree Alumni House.
Robert Stapp, Clinical professor
Department of Economics
479-575-6217, rstapp@walton.uark.edu