Put the Library in Your Pocket With Our New Mobile Catalog
This fall, take the library with you with the university's new mobile catalog. Offering access to 1.4 million records for books, journals, internet resources, sound and video recordings, maps, musical scores, manuscript collections, and more, this mobile version of the InfoLinks library catalog will allow you to check our holdings from anywhere with any browser-enabled phone or mobile device.
You can follow links to electronic journals and databases as well as check library hours and locations, and view or renew checked out items through the "My Library Account" function. Just point your phone to http://m.library.uark.edu.
Looking beyond the library catalog? The Libraries offer a growing number of mobile interfaces to article databases such as Ebsco, the WorldCat union catalog of libraries worldwide, streaming music services, and even the RefWorks citation manager. Check out our mobile apps page for announcements of new services as they are developed.
Molly Boyd, public relations coordinator
University of Arkansas Libraries
479-575-2962, mdboyd@uark.edu