University of Arkansas Kicks Off 2007-2008 United Way Campaign

The University of Arkansas has kicked off the annual United Way Campaign with the goal of raising $145,000. Last year's goal was $135,000, and the University of Arkansas raised just over $166,000. This year’s campaign co-chairs are Bob McMath, dean of the UA Honors College, and Judy Schwab, assistant vice chancellor for University Advancement.

“We want people to remember that they can designate their pledge for a specific United Way agency if they choose,” McMath said.  “There is a space on the pledge card for that. Payroll deduction is an easy way to fulfill your pledge, and we encourage people to use that option.”

The United Way organizations in Benton and Washington Counties are merging to form the United Way of Northwest Arkansas.  This change recognizes the fact that the needs in our region are not confined to one county or the other.  Most agencies supported by United Way serve people in both counties (Madison County is also involved), and the merger will make it easier for the agencies to do their job.  Once it is completed, the merger will result in lowering the overhead expenses of United Way even further. Both Washington and Benton County United Ways are already well below the national average level.

UA Dean of Students Danny Pugh is coordinating an expanded United Way effort among students this year, which will include having speakers from various United Way agencies visit student organizations and letting students know about volunteer opportunities with the agencies.  



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