FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. - A training program developed at the University of Arkansas’s Eleanor Mann School of Nursing offers childcare centers new assistance in their efforts to meet state and national accreditation standards. Childcare Health Consultant Training prepares nurses to become health consultants for childcare centers, an important first step in improving care for young Arkansans.

Developed by nursing instructor Leigh Ann Breckenridge with grant funding by the Arkansas Department of Health, the training program will impact childcare programs statewide. The initial pilot training has been held on the University of Arkansas campus in Fayetteville. Five more training sessions will be held around the state over the next two years.

"Interest in the training has exceeded original estimates," Breckenridge said. "It is encouraging to see how many nurses are dedicated to improving our childcare centers."

Breckenridge reported that the original plan had envisioned a pilot program for six nurses. When word got out about the training opportunity, applications soared, and the pilot training program was expanded to accommodate 20 nurses.

From October 9 to 11, the nurses will take part in the third phase of the Childcare Health Consultant Training program, which will include workshops on nutrition and sanitation, special needs children, immunizations, and other issues crucial to providing quality care for children. Most nurses volunteer their time for the training. Several county departments of health and daycare centers for special needs children have sent nurses to be trained.

Only 11.3% of the 2,537 licensed day care centers in Arkansas are accredited. With the help of nurse consultants, Breckenridge hopes that many more childcare centers will be able to institute practices that will not only meet national and state accreditation standards but will ensure safer, healthier lives for the children in their care.


Leigh Ann Breckenridge, instructor, Eleanor Mann School of Nursing, College of Education and Health Professions, 479-575-4032 ~

Barbara Jaquish, communications director, College of Education and Health Professions, 479-575-3138 ~

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