UA Social Worker Appointed To National Education Commission
FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. - Joe Schriver, director of the University of Arkansas social work program, has been appointed to the Council on Social Work Education's Commission on Educational Policy.
The Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) establishes and maintains national accreditation standards for baccalaureate and master’s degree programs in social work. As a member of their educational policy commission, Schriver will help both in the preparation and periodic revision of a comprehensive statement of social work curriculum policy, aimed to encourage excellence in educational programs and to be used by the Commission on Accreditation in formulating and revising accreditation standards.
In addition to this responsibility, the Commission on Educational Policy is currently in the process of substantively revising national social work curriculum policy to ensure social work education’s relevance to the current context of the early 21st century.
Further responsibilities of the commission include: identifying educational issues in need of attention at all levels of social work education; establishing priorities for action in the area of educational policy and planning; reviewing current CSWE programs related to educational policy and planning; referring pertinent educational policy issues to various CSWE bodies; and recommending means of implementing and coordinating activities in order to support and extend CSWE's education leadership role.
Schriver's appointment to the Commission on Educational Policy extends through a 3-year term and follows the end of his 3-year term on the board of directors of CSWE.
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Joe Schriver, associate professor of sociology, (479) 575-3796, jschrive@comp.uark.eduHeather Quinney, department of sociology, social work and criminal justice, (479) 575-3205,