UA President Endorses Stimulus Funding for Higher Education
University of Arkansas System President B. Alan Sugg has joined more than 40 higher education leaders in endorsing a proposal for America’s colleges and universities to be included in any national economic stimulus plan.
The higher education leaders published an open letter Dec. 16 in the New York Times and Washington Post asking for 5 percent of the proposed stimulus to be set aside for higher education facilities.
Submitted by the Carnegie Corporation, the letter discusses a proposed “Higher Education Investment Act” which details the pressing need for higher education facility funding across the nation. With many states cutting back on higher education funding and curtailing essential capital projects, there is urgency in addressing campus facility needs, the letter says.
“If stimulus money becomes available, we have a number of projects in Arkansas higher education that can begin right away, including new classroom and research buildings, as well as much needed renovations to aging facilities,” Sugg said. “Investing in higher education would not only put people in our communities to work immediately, but would also provide lasting impact on our ability to educate our citizens to compete in the global economy.”
President-elect Barack Obama has called for a major stimulus package to be enacted early in his administration.
Other state university systems to sign the letter include Florida, Maryland, New Hampshire, New York, Oregon, Texas and Wisconsin.
“At this critical juncture in our history, America’s public research universities, state colleges, and community colleges stand ready to partner with the federal government and our states to help revitalize our nation’s economy and educate and train the next generations of Americans to meet the challenges of global competition,” the letter states.
A copy of the open letter is attached to this email along with a letter from President Sugg to Carnegie Corporation President Vartan Gregorian endorsing the proposal.