Students Get a Taste of Campus Life
FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. - Pre-College Programs and the University of Arkansas will hold Campus Day 2006: Get Connected! This event, held at venues across campus between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. Friday, May 5, will introduce college life to approximately 1,550 students from northwest Arkansas and eastern Oklahoma. Ranging from grades six through 12, participants are members of either Educational Talent Search or College Project Talent Search.
Campus Day at the University of Arkansas is one of the most exciting days of the year for Pre-College Programs. This year’s event will be the largest in its 16-year history. Showcasing the University of Arkansas, prospective students get the opportunity to explore the campus in-depth. Campus administrators, student volunteers, faculty and alumni will create a welcoming and festive atmosphere for all attending. Local bands and celebrity disk jockeys, Tim and Jeff of Power 105.7 FM, will be providing entertainment and serving as emcees. Also planned are departmental activities designed to generate program interest and provide students with an enriching campus experience. Most importantly, participants will be exposed to future opportunities that await them as students at the University of Arkansas.
Education Talent Search and College Project Talent Search are two of eight programs administered by Pre-College Programs. Serving nearly 2,000 students in grades six through 12, Educational Talent Search and College Project Talent Search promote the skills and motivation necessary for successfully completing a baccalaureate degree.
9:30-10:10 a.m. Activities at Bud Walton Arena
10:45-11:10 a.m. First Departmental Presentation
Department - Location
Nursing - Giffels Auditorium
Biology - ARKU Theatre
Interior Design - Stella Boyles Fine Arts Theatre
Engineering - Bell Engineering Auditorium
Turf Management - ARKU Ballroom-North (Stage)
Business - Reynolds Center Auditorium
Latin Amer. Studies - Kimpel Hall, Room 102
Physics - Science Engineering Room 101
Poultry Science - Poultry Science Aud., Room.A211
Architecture - ARKU Ballroom-South
11:25-11:50 a.m. Second Departmental Presentation (Same locations as above)
12:00-1:10 p.m. Greek Theatre lunch, activities, prizes
Shauna Sterling,
director of pre-college programs
(479) 575-3553
Gina Ervin,
senior associate director of pre-college programs,
director of
educational talent search,
(479) 575-3553
Maureen Hoover,
director of college project talent search,
(479) 575-3553
Scott Flanagin, coordinator of
communications and outreach
Division of
Student Affairs
(479) 575-6785,