Spring International Language Center (SILC) Brings International Focus to UA Campus
This summer, Spring International, the intensive English language program on campus, has hosted 32 International Ford Fellows from 12 countries for a program of English and leadership training; 20 English as a Foreign Language teachers jointly sponsored by the Mexican Ministry of Education and the US/Mexico Fulbright Commission (COMEXUS); and 10 partnership in Learning Undergraduate Studies Scholars (PLUS) from the Middle East, North Africa and East Asia, sponsored by the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. To have been competitively selected to host any one of these programs is an honor in it's own right, but to have been chosen to host all three of these highly prestigious programs is clearly a reflection of SILC's strong reputation for excellence in academics and program development, extensive student support services, creativity and integrity. For further program information or student profiles from any one of these programs, please contact Dr. Vicki Lanier at silc@uark.edu.