Production at UA Theatre Continues Performances

The House of Bernarda Alba, by Frederico Garcia Lorca and translated by David Hare, will continues with its performances this weekend in spite of weather. They will continue through the weekend and next week with performances at 8 p.m. Feb. 2, 3, and 7-10, and at 2 p.m. for Feb. 4 and 11.

The play revolves around five unmarried daughters who live together in a single household under the watchful eye of a suspicious and domineering mother. The house itself has metamorphasized into a combination of prison, convent, and hothouse to the frustrated young women. Sexual repression hangs in the air, and jealousies and tensions have been brewing among them for years. When the eldest daughter is allowed to become engaged to the most beautiful young man in town, passions and panic bubble over with fury, and pain cannot be dampened.

British playwright David Hare's new version of the play is an emotional knockout. The New York Times writes that "The fury and sweep of Lorca's amazing play can knock down the walls and shake the earth." It is directed by Mavourneen Dwyer.



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