Fund-Raising Totals Exceed $100 Million

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. — The 2007 fiscal year ending June 30 marked the end of another outstanding fundraising year for the University of Arkansas. The campus recorded $100,057,097 in private gift support.

“I am pleased to recognize another year of outstanding support from our generous benefactors and am personally grateful to each and every individual, corporation, and foundation for their gifts,” said Chancellor John A. White. “Each year, as we reach and exceed our goals, we come closer to reaching the university’s overall goals set for 2010, including a $1 billion endowment for our campus. Another goal for 2010 is to secure $100 million in private gift support annually and we have reached that goal three times during the last five years. To have achieved such a high level of support during a non-campaign year is especially rewarding. I am confident that with the ongoing commitment of our donors, our staff and our faculty, we will continue on this path of excellence.”

The total includes actual dollars and in-kind gifts received during the fiscal period from July 1, 2006, through June 30, 2007, and excludes any pledges of gifts made during that time. Last year, fiscal year 2006, the University of Arkansas raised $92.5 million in private gift support.

“Our benefactors continue to astound us with their generosity,” said G. David Gearhart, vice chancellor for the Division of University Advancement. “Each gift from alumni, corporations, foundations and friends makes a difference in every aspect of our university. I believe that we are effectively communicating our needs to benefactors who are, in turn, supporting the areas most important to them. I am also most grateful to our deans and faculty who are true partners in securing philanthropy for the campus, as well as to the Razorback Foundation.”

“We’re thrilled to have exceeded our goals for this fiscal year and will strive to continue to raise important private resources to benefit our students and faculty,” Gearhart said.

Of the $100 million raised for academic and athletic programs in 2006-07, 12 percent came from individual alumni and friends, 53 percent came from corporations, 19 percent came from foundations, 5 percent came from planned gifts such as bequests and 11 percent came from other organizations.

Gift designations for 2006-07:

  • Dale Bumpers College of Agricultural, Food and Life Sciences and the Division of  Agriculture: $9,002,887

  • School of Architecture: $1,866,957

  • J. William Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences: $5,312,421

  • Sam M. Walton College of Business: $44,247,228

  • College of Education and Health Professions: $3,665,559

  • College of Engineering: $2,064,898

  • School of Law: $1,071,122

  • Graduate School: $43,739

  • Honors College: $176,403

Gifts to other units:

  • Alumni Association: $764,007

  • General Scholarships: $823,779

  • KUAF Public Radio: $870,814

  • Men’s Athletics (Razorback Foundation Inc.): $11,827,779

  • Student Affairs: $1,776,321

  • University Libraries: $1,468,802

  • University/Razorback Bands: $177,441

  • Women’s Athletics: $1,670,042

  • Central University Programs: $13,226,898


Private gift support 1998-2007:



G. David Gearhart, vice chancellor
University Advancement
(479) 575-6100,

Sandy Edwards, associate vice chancellor
University Development
(479) 575-7206,

Danielle Povar, manager of alumni & development communications
University Relations
(479) 575-7346,


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