Four Finalists Named for UA Honors College Dean; Campus Visits Announced
Fayetteville, Ark. - Four finalists for the position of dean of the Honors College at the University of Arkansas will be visiting with the campus community during the months of September and October.
The Office of the Provost and Academic Affairs is hosting the forums at Giffels Auditorium, located in Old Main, to give the campus community the opportunity to hear each candidate's presentation. Candidates will be available for questions following their presentations, and the campus community and media are invited to attend.
Bruce Bursten will be introduced at 3 p.m., Monday, Sept. 13. Bursten is a distinguished professor in the department of chemistry at The Ohio State University, where he has spent his entire academic career and served a four-year term as chair of the department.
Barton Palmer will make his presentation at 3 p.m., Tuesday, Sept. 21. Palmer is the Calhoun Lemon Professor of Literature in the department of English at Clemson University. He also serves as the director of The South Carolina Film Institute at Clemson University and as the founding general editor of two publications, the "Routledge Medieval" and "Traditions in World Cinema."
John Foley will offer his presentation at 3 p.m., Monday, Sept. 27. Foley is a full professor in the departments of classical studies and English and an adjunct full professor of anthropology and of Germanic and Slavic at the University of Missouri-Columbia. He also holds two endowed positions: the William H. Byler Endowed Chair in the Humanities and a Curators' Professorship.
Philip Jenkins will make his presentation to the campus at 3 p.m., Thursday, October 7.
Jenkins is the distinguished professor of history and religious studies at The Pennsylvania State University and the author of 18 books, almost 100 book chapters, refereed articles and book reviews.
A reception in the entrance hall of Giffels Auditorium from 4-4:30 p.m. will follow each candidate's presentation.
Bob Smith, provost and vice chancellor for Academic Affairs, (479) 575-2151, bobsmith@uark.eduCharles Crowson, manager of media relations, University Relations, (479) 575-3583,