Fifth Annual Students, Day Of Caring

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. — On April 12, the University of Arkansas Office for Student Involvement and Leadership and the United Way of Washington County will rally UA students and groups to show support for local social service agencies during the 5th annual "Students, Day of Caring."

At 8:00a.m. Saturday, current chair of the board for United Way of Washington County, Mike Luttrell, will address the student volunteers during an orientation rally. Attending the event will be Dr. Johnetta Cross Brazzell, vice chancellor of student affairs, and Dr. Brian Hemphill, dean of students. Resident’s Interhall Congress President Henry Wendel is the chair of the event and the goal for Students, Day of Caring is to connect with at least 400 volunteers. Following the rally, student project leaders will direct volunteer groups to assigned projects throughout Northwest Arkansas.

The mission statement of SDOC is as follows: "the mission of Students, Day of Caring concerns fulfillment of the individual at both the collegiate and communal levels. Through this day of service, we strive to improve students, self-esteem, heighten awareness of leadership responsibilities, commitment to the community, and student morale in hopes of enhancing societal ties and the University’s reputation within the community."

This day of volunteerism offers individuals the chance to see social services in action and to learn, first hand, how their contributions and efforts affect the lives of people in need. United Way agencies always look forward to having multiple pairs of helping hands complete projects they do not have manpower or resources to do alone.

A registration form is available in the Office for Student Involvement and Leadership and at Your support of this endeavor is greatly appreciated. For more information, contact Tenethrea Thompson at 575-5255.


Tenethrea Thompson, graduate assistant, Office for Student Involvement and Leadership, (479) 575-5255,

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