Learn How to Leverage Your Spanish Skills in the Workplace With Sigma Delta Pi

Flyer of invitation to an event
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Flyer of invitation to an event

The National Spanish Honors Society Sigma Delta Pi's Gamma Epsilon Chapter Pi invites you to join us for our initiation ceremony featuring guest speaker Brittany Johnson, director of communications for CACHE (Creative Arkansas Community Hub and Exchange) and founder of Ambivert Books. Johnson will discuss her trajectory using Spanish in the workplace outside of the US and now here in NWA. 

This year's intiates to Gamma Epsilon exemplify the mission of Sigma Delta Pi to honor students who excel in the study of the Spanish language and the literature and culture of the Spanish-speaking world. ¡Enhorabuena!

Anna Kate Davis
Lauren Gonzalez
Tyler Lively
Abigail Moore
Christian Sanchez
Hallee Sobin

*Light refreshments will be provided. 


Rachel ten Haaf, assistant professor
Department of World Languages, Literatures and Cultures
479-575-2951, rtenhaaf@uark.edu

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