Have Lunch With Staff Senate

Staff Senators at Staff Appreciation Picnic 2023
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Staff Senators at Staff Appreciation Picnic 2023

Staff Senate is hosting the first of a series of Meet the Senators events tomorrow from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Wednesday, March 19, in Arkansas Union 507. 

Bring your lunch and visit with the senators from across campus who represent you! Learn about the initiatives Staff Senate is currently working on and share your questions and concerns. Drop by for a quick chat or stay and visit. We look forward to meeting you!

Light refreshments will be provided.

About Staff Senate: Created in 1976 by Board of Trustees Policy 810.1, the Staff Senate and its elected senators have the responsibility of making recommendations to university leadership on any matter of staff concern, including quality of work life, the efficiency of operations and staff service to the campus community. Staff Senate advocates in the areas of compensation, working conditions, health and wellness, fringe benefits, safety, parking and other workplace issues. In addition, the Staff Senate works to celebrate, recognize and give back to staff through programs such as Employees of the Quarter and Year, awards for Staff Team and Part-Time Employee of the Year, Staff Appreciation Week, the annual Staff Appreciation Picnic, Staff Senate Scholarships and RazorGifts. 

Monthly meetings are held the second Wednesday of each month from 1:30-3 p.m. and are open to the public both in person and virtually. Meeting details, list of sitting senators and additional information can be found at the Staff Senate website


Autumn Parker, vice chair
Staff Senate
479-575-4622, aparker@walton.uark.edu

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