Interlibrary Loan Adds Delivery Service, Changes Name to Resource Sharing
Just like Mullins Library, the Interlibrary Loan Department is undergoing renovations.
"As patrons' needs evolve, our services evolve to meet them where they are," said Robin Roggio, director of resource sharing. "'Interlibrary Loan' does not cover all that we offer and the new services we will continue to add. 'Resource Sharing' encompasses traditional interlibrary loan services, plus RazorRush document delivery of local items, purchase on demand of new items, as well as our newest service: campus delivery of interlibrary loan materials to faculty members located on the main, central campus."
Arrangements can be made for the delivery of these materials to faculty located outside of the main campus, including those at the Global Campus and the Studio and Design Center.
To participate, faculty should put a note in their next ILLiad loan request that states, "campus delivery" and include their full campus departmental address, or send an email to
When a loaned item arrives at Mullins Library from the lending institution, libraries staff will notify the faculty member when the item is being delivered to their provided campus department address.
Once a faculty member opts in for campus delivery, all subsequently requested materials on loan from other institutions will be delivered to their provided campus address until Resource Sharing staff are notified otherwise.
Deliveries will only go to the departmental office — not labs, faculty offices or any other locations. Delivery of materials will be delayed during times of inclement weather.
Faculty are responsible for returning materials to the library when they are due, either to the Help Desk or to an outside Book Drop.
Updates have also been made to the loan pick-up/check out process. Materials requested through Interlibrary Loan will now be viewable in "My Library Account" along with locally owned checked out materials and hold requests. Notifications for ILL loan pick-up will originate from the Main Library - Main Help Desk, and ILL items will be checked out through patrons' library accounts rather than the ILLiad Interlibrary Loan software. Patrons who have an authorized user in ILLiad who can pick up their loaned materials should register the authorized user as a Proxy Borrower.
Robin Roggio, director, Resource Sharing
University Libraries
Kelsey Lovewell Lippard, director of public relations
University Libraries