Find a Job or Internship Today at the All Careers Fair

Find a Job or Internship Today at the All Careers Fair
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Calling all U of A undergraduates, graduate students and alumni from all majors and degree programs! Whether you are looking for a full-time position, part-time job or an internship, you will find numerous opportunities at this fair to connect with up to 70 recruiters from a variety of industries!

Also attend this fair to polish your communication skills and gather information about companies. Some employers who attend this fair are focused on students with specific majors; however, many are interested in U of A students and alumni from all majors. No matter your major, if you are interested in working for any of the industries in attendance, this is the fair for you. Business casual attire is encouraged to make a positive first impression.

Unsure of what companies to talk to at the fair? Take the Challenge Cards Assessment to find out the top three problems you'd like to help solve in the world and then inquire with employers at the fair about the challenges they are working to solve.

Students can learn more about the fair, which organizations are attending, and optionally register on the Career Connections website.


Ty Beringer, marketing communications specialist
Offices of Career Connections

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