Jingxian Wu Named IEEE Fellow
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers has named Jingxian Wu an IEEE fellow. Wu is the director of the Intelligent Information Processing Lab and professor in the department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Arkansas.
The IEEE awards the grade of fellow upon a person with an outstanding record of accomplishments in any of the IEEE fields of interest. This honor is the highest grade of membership recognized by the technical community and is an important career achievement conferred upon IEEE members. Only 0.1% of the IEEE voting members receive this honor annually. The IEEE Board recognized Wu's contributions to research on the modeling and energy-efficient design of wireless communication systems.
Wu said, "One important aspect of my research focuses on the energy efficient design of wireless communication systems. Energy efficiency is a critical performance metric for communication systems, as lower energy consumption means longer battery life for cell phones and less carbon emissions to the environment. I have been working diligently on new communication technologies that can reduce energy consumption without sacrificing communication quality. I am glad that my contributions in this area have been recognized during the IEEE fellow selection process."
Jia Di, electrical engineering and computer science department dead, said, "All of us in the electrical engineering and computer science department congratulate Dr. Wu on this honor," Di said. "His selection as an IEEE fellow is yet another recognition of his outstanding research, teaching, and service during his lengthy academic career. He sets a high standard of achievement for this department and for the entire engineering college. He has been key in educating future engineers in wireless communications, systems and signals."
"The elevation to an IEEE fellow means that my works are well recognized by the top researchers and engineers in my field all around the world," Wu said. "I cannot achieve this without the strong support from the department and the university. This is truly an honor."
In the past, Wu has received various awards and honors from IEEE, such as IEEE Distinguished Lecture, Outstanding Service Awards, and various teaching and research awards from the U of A. Wu also authored more than 200 publications in top international journals and international conferences, and he holds three U.S. patents. More information about Wu can be found on his personal website, https://wuj.hosted.uark.edu/
The IEEE will formally recognize Wu's accomplishments and fellowship grade at the IEEE International Conference on Communications this June in Montreal, Canada.
Austin Cook, Project/Program Specialist
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
479-575-7120, ac202@uark.edu
Jennifer P. Cook, director of communications
College of Engineering
479-575-5697, jpc022@uark.edu