Italian for Romance Language Speakers in Spring 2025

Italian for Romance Language Speakers Flyer
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Italian for Romance Language Speakers Flyer

In spring 2025, the Italian Program will offer two fast-track classes for students with previous knowledge of another Romance language such as Spanish, French, Portuguese, etc.

ITAL 11103 (MWF 11:50 a.m.-12:40 p.m.; three credit hours) and ITAL 21103 (MWF 12:55-1:45 p.m.; three credit hours) provide an accelerated introduction to Italian, combining the material of two semesters (ITAL 10103 and ITAL 10203 or ITAL 20103 and 20203) into one, and satisfy two-semester/four-semester language requirements.

Attention is devoted to the four skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing, as well as culture. Prerequisites for ITAL 11103 include three years of high school French, Spanish or Portuguese; or two semesters of university French, Spanish or Portuguese; or instructor's consent. Prerequisites for ITAL 21103 include ITAL 11103 or ITAL 10203 and previous knowledge of a Romance language.

Feel free to contact professors Ryan Calabretta at or Daniela D'Eugenio at should you have questions.

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