Staff Senate Accepting Part-Time Employee Award Nominations

Staff Senate Accepting Part-Time Employee Award Nominations
University Relations

Faculty and staff of the U of A are encouraged to nominate part-time employees for the Staff Senate Part-Time Employee Award, in recognition of outstanding service to the university. 

Who can be nominated? 

Any non-faculty staff employee who is: 

  • appointed staff with an appointment less than 100 percent OR 

  • an hourly employee working no more than 1,250 hours in one fiscal year. 

Part-time and hourly staff employees, including students who are not receiving federal work-study assistance, non-students and graduate assistants are eligible for nomination. 

Eligibility Requirements

Part-time and/or hourly employees must be currently employed by the U of A at the time of nomination and employed for at least six cumulative months (consecutive months not required) prior to nomination. 

Employees must be nominated by a peer, co-worker, supervisor or faculty member. Self-nominations are not accepted. 

Nominations will be open from today, Monday, Sept. 9, through Monday, Sept. 23.  

The winner is selected by members of the Staff Senate Awards committee based on contributions to both their department and the university and their willingness to exceed job requirements. 

One monetary award is given annually. 

How to nominate?

Online and downloadable nomination forms are available at  Part Time Employee Award | Staff Senate | U of A (

For more information, please contact Allen Porter, Staff Senate Awards Committee chair, at


Allen Porter, chair, Awards Committee
Staff Senate


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