Faculty to Receive Email Invitation to Create ORCID ID

The U of A is embarking on a campaign to attain full participation in ORCID by our faculty, research staff and graduate students. The first phase of the process will include only faculty.   

ORCID is a free, unique, persistent identifier for individuals to use as they engage in research, scholarship and innovation activities. It is the most universal ID when compared with other unique author ID systems. It has been integrated with many major publishers, including Thomson-Reuters and Elsevier, as well as in the National Institutes of Health's SciENcv biosketch tool. It addresses security issues that plague research and researchers and supports the dictates of the executive order National Security Presidential Memorandum 33.  

Over the course of the next several weeks, each faculty member at the U of A will receive an email from the University Libraries with a unique link. Through this link, they can use campus single sign-on to log in to ORCID and accept the libraries' request to be one of their trusted parties.   

Data added to ORCID records is accompanied by trust markers that highlight that data came from a validated source — an ORCID member. Over time, the more ORCID members add validated data to the ORCID Registry, the more trust markers there are in the data and the more robust the entire scholarly record becomes.  

This project is sponsored by the University Libraries, Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation, Office of the Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs, Office of Graduate Student Support, and Research and Academic Technologies.   

For more information about this project and ORCID, please see this online guide or contact Lora Lennertz at 575-7197 or lennertz@uark.edu


Lora Lennertz, director of Open Education, Data, and Publishing Services
University Libraries
479-575-7197, lennertz@uark.edu

Kelsey Lovewell Lippard, director of public relations
University Libraries
479-575-7311, klovewel@uark.edu

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