Christian Sorority Sigma Phi Lambda to Host Fall Recruitment
Sigma Phi Lambda (Phi Lamb), a Christian women's sorority, will host its fall recruitment events this week. The first night of recruitment - cotton candy, crafts and a photo booth - was Tuesday, Sept. 3, at Fellowship of the Hills Church. The second night of recruitment, a scavenger hunt, will take place 6-7 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 5, on Old Main Lawn.
Sigma Phi Lambda (ΣΦΛ) strives to glorify God by providing a source of fellowship for college women who sincerely seek to know his person, his will and his ways. It is a non-denominational organization of sisters where fellowship with our most high God is fostered by growth in unity with one another. Phi Lamb is not Panhellenic and includes weekly meetings with worship, encouragement, fellowship and accountability.
Phi Lamb has bigs/littles, formals, sisterhood nights and weekly chapter meetings, as well as additional events throughout the semester. Its philanthropy is World Vision. Phi Lamb members often refer to the sorority as "a group of best friends" who get to grow spiritually and as people together. Post-ceremony Olive Garden is a well-established tradition among members.
Its recruitment philosophy is "you choose Phi Lamb, Phi Lamb doesn't choose you." Throughout recruitment, the opportunity to spend relaxed time getting to know current members is prioritized before any decision to commit is expected. Interested potential new members are welcome to come to either or both nights of recruitment and then experience an "open" chapter meeting on Monday, Sept. 9, with current members to see what it's like to be a part of Phi Lamb!
Interested students can follow the sorority on Instagram @uaphilamb and fill out the interest form below. Officers Charis Morasch, Meeshka O'Dell, Reilly Ingram, Autumn Davis and Emily Ekstrand say, "We can't wait to meet you!"
Charis Morasch, president
Sigma Phi Lambda RSO