Funds Available for Current and Prospective Service Learning Faculty, Students
The Service Learning Initiative is excited to offer new funding opportunities to faculty who currently teach or who are interested in teaching a course with a Service Learning designation. Additionally, students are eligible for travel grants to assist them in engaging in service learning activities.
Utilizing the below resources, faculty can work with community partners and achieve beneficial student learning outcomes through experiential learning opportunities.
Course Design Grant: Are you new to Service Learning? This grant is intended to support faculty through each phase of starting the Service Learning process, including development, designation and implementation. Faculty selected to participate in the Service Learning Course Design will receive $4,000 extra compensation in accordance with extra compensation policy 440.2 (407.0). Apply for the Course Design Grant!
New Service Learning Funds Approval Form: Do you currently teach a course designated for Service Learning and need supplies or equipment with a total cost of $500.00 or under? You may qualify for the new fund approval process for materials! This informal process seeks to cut down on the time it takes for approval of smaller funds that are needed more quickly than a traditional grant. Apply for Funds!
Materials & Equipment, Travel and Publication Grants: Do you currently teach a course designated as Service Learning and have a request over $500.00? Grants are available for materials, equipment, travel and publication costs. Using grant funding, faculty can purchase items like specialized equipment or equipment upgrades, plus related installation costs. A travel grant can open the door to present at an upcoming conference. Publication grants assist with fees and other associated costs of the publication process for work associated with service-learning activities in professional journals or other relevant outlets. Apply for Materials, Travel and Publication Grants!
New funding opportunities are also available to students who are participating in service learning course(s).
Student Travel: Are you are your student(s) presenting at a state, regional or national conference or workshop? Student Travel Grants are available to assist them in the following areas (up to $1,000.00):
Presenting a paper, poster or other type of official presentation or serving on a panel at a conference, workshop or symposium based on their service learning class or research.
Participating in an interactive workshop or symposium related to research.
Student Internship: Does your course require additional support from a student who has taken your Service Learning course or is collecting data related to Service Learning-based research? They may be eligible for a student internship through Service Learning. Please email Lisa Bowers at if you think this option would apply to you or a student(s) working with your Service Learning course.
With these easy and accessible ways to obtain funds, it's never been a better time to provide hands-on experiences to students or to enhance your own learning as a student. Visit the Service Learning Initiative website for more information on the initiative and details on how you can obtain funding to pursue your Service Learning goals.
Lisa Bowers, director
Service Learning Initiative