Teaching and Faculty Support Center Introduces 'Teacher Feature'
The Wally Cordes Teaching and Faculty Support Center is pleased to announce Teacher Feature, a new program aimed at increasing recognition for outstanding teachers on our campus.
Teacher Feature will use LinkedIn to recognize faculty who are improving teaching and learning at the U of A by applying their own new ideas, by applying ideas they have learned from others, by creating new content or courses, or by just being awesome teachers. TFSC is particularly interested in featuring faculty who have not yet been recognized with college-level or university-level teaching awards.
TFSC has prepared a nomination form for Teacher Feature. Anyone with an active UARK email address can submit a nomination at any time. If the form does not work for you, you can email your nomination to tfsc@uark.edu. Be sure to attach a PDF of the nominee's CV and a one-page-or-less PDF containing an explanation for your nomination.
Nominations will be evaluated on a rolling basis. Self-nominations will not be considered. TFSC's goal is to feature approximately one teacher per month.
About TFSC: The Wally Cordes Teaching and Faculty Support Center invests in faculty excellence, promotes innovation in teaching and learning, and supports programs to advance student success. We provide educational opportunities such as faculty luncheons, teaching symposia, and new faculty orientation. We offer competitive teaching and learning grants for faculty, we celebrate effective teaching with several awards and an awards reception, and we promote faculty-to-faculty mentoring through classroom observation. More information about TFSC can be found at our website or by following us on LinkedIn.
Lori L. Libbert, HEI Program coordinator
Wally Cordes Teaching and Faculty Support Center
479-575-3222, libbert@uark.edu