Walton College Students: Register for Free Business Research Basics Seminar

As part of the Razorback Researcher Seminar Series, the University Libraries will offer the seminar Business Research Basics: Company & Industry Research from 11 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 5, in Mullins Library room 439. 

This interactive workshop on business research basics, perfect for undergraduate business students, will teach attendees how to find valuable information about companies and industries using top databases like Statista, IBISWorld and Mintel Reports. You'll learn practical skills that will help you in your classes and future career.

Plus, you'll get tips on researching companies you might want to work for and identifying industries that interest you ahead of the upcoming business career fair. Please bring a laptop or similar device to fully participate in the workshop activities.


Anna Clymer, business and entrepreneurship librarian
University Libraries
479-575-4810, clymer@uark.edu

Kelsey Lovewell Lippard, director of public relations
University Libraries
479-575-7311, klovewel@uark.edu

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