Student and Faculty Cast Call for NWA Gridiron Show

Katherine Shurlds, now a professor emeritus of the School of Journalism and Strategic Media, leads J-School students in a song and dance during the 2018 NWA Gridiron Show.
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Katherine Shurlds, now a professor emeritus of the School of Journalism and Strategic Media, leads J-School students in a song and dance during the 2018 NWA Gridiron Show.

The student chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists RSO invites students and faculty to join the cast of the Northwest Gridiron Show, a sketch comedy show performed each year by students, faculty and local professional journalists. 

"The Gridiron Show is a fabulous way to give back to the community and support local journalism,'' said Cooper Gant, SPJ president. "If you are willing and able, we welcome you to participate in a show that creates as many laughs as it does opportunities for local journalists."  

The two cast calls will be at: 

  • 7 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 4, at Giffels Auditorium, room 201, Old Main. 

  • 2 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 8, at Kimpel Hall 102. Enter by way of the east alley entrance. 

“The show is produced by the student and professional SPJ chapters, and it's fun to see performers of all ages involved,” said Gina Shelton, faculty advisor for the RSO and president of the Northwest Arkansas Professional SPJ Chapter.

The 2024 Gridiron Show will be at The Medium, formerly known as the Arts Center of the Ozarks, in Springdale on Friday and Saturday, Oct. 11-12. Tickets will go on sale this week.

The NWA Gridiron Show was started in 1978 to raise funding for journalism scholarships and continuing professional development. 

“Our sketches poke fun at people in the news,” said Rusty Turner, the exemplary executive in residence at the Journalism School and director of this year’s stage production. “From well-known names in Northwest Arkansas to the presidential candidates, we try to make fun of everyone with an equal dose of humor. And student actors are central to entertaining our audience. It’s hard work to rehearse the show in just one month, but it’s really rewarding when the crowds arrive in October.” 

Rehearsals are on campus on Wednesday evenings and Sunday afternoons until the week of the performance, when rehearsals move to The Medium stage. Accommodations are usually possible if either Wednesday or Sunday is unavailable to a cast member. 

Although the cast call is aimed primarily at students in journalism, students majoring in theatre and voice music are also encouraged to participate. 

“We need front-of-house and backstage volunteers, too, if you want to be involved but don’t want to be on stage,” Shelton said. “We can find ways to use your volunteer skills.” 

Students and faculty interested in helping off-stage can contact Shelton at or 479-575-7255. 

About the Society of Professional Journalists RSO: The purpose of SPJ is to bring together the journalists of the University of Arkansas to fulfill the mission of the national SPJ, which is the dedication to the perpetuation of a free press as the cornerstone of our nation and our liberty. 


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