Safe Zone Allies Sessions for Fall 2024
The Safe Zone Allies training sessions welcome full- and part-time university employees of all sexual and gender identities who are interested in and committed to addressing issues and topics of importance to the LGBTQIA+ community. This two-hour training session addresses terminology around gender and sexual identities, community cultures and norms, polices that impact the LGBTQIA+ community, heteronormativity, oppression and allyship.
During this training session, participants engage in discussion and learning to gain valuable knowledge that will help them in developing their LGBTQIA+ advocacy and allyship. After attending the session, participants can self-select to be a University Safe Zone Ally and will receive a window/door Safe Zone Allies sticker recognizing the commitment to being a safe space and place for all and will be added to the Microsoft Teams community with other university allies.
Safe Zone Allies training sessions allow participants to leave with the following:
- An increased awareness of the issues that affect the LGBTQIA+ community
- A foundational knowledge of terminology and common language
- A deeper awareness, understanding and comfort with LGBTQIA+ related topics
- An understanding of the advantages that society affords non-LGBTQIA+ people
- An opportunity to be an ally to the LGBTQIA+ community on campus
Please register through the training calendar. Training sessions for this semester will be held via Zoom on:
- 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Monday, Sept. 9 (Register here)
- 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Friday, Oct. 18 (Register here)
- 9 to 11 a.m. Thursday, Nov. 14 (Register here)
The Zoom link will be sent 24 hours prior to the session.
Anthony DiNicola, coordinator of cultural communities
The Multicultural Center
Campus Invited to Celebrate University's 'SOOIEET' Success Today
Students, faculty and staff are invited to join Chancellor Charles Robinson between 2-3 p.m., today on the Arkansas Union Mall for a 'sooieet' celebration.
Tyson Explores Future Career in Automotive Engineering in German Internship at Audi
BSME and German student Luke Tyson is part of the International Engineering Program at the U of A, in which students spend their fourth year abroad taking courses at the Technical University of Darmstadt and completing an internship.
M-ATOMS Showcases Progress at Second Annual Conference
The Manipulation of Atomic Ordering for Manufacturing Semiconductors center hosted its second annual conference in late August, with 10 institutions participating.
Exhibition Features Work From Interior Architecture and Design National Award Winners
The exhibition will be on display from Sept. 16 through Oct. 18 on the first floor of Vol Walker Hall, and will include work from the Interior Architecture and Design National Award Winners and others.
International Studies Fall 2024 Speaker Series: Peter Thilly
The International and Global Studies Program will host Peter Thilly, professor of history at the University of Mississippi, on Sept. 27 in CORD 324 for his talk, "Drug Money and Modernization in Coastal China."