Faculty: Submit Course Reserve Requests for Fall 2024

Faculty: Submit Course Reserve Requests for Fall 2024
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The University Libraries are now accepting course reserve requests for the fall 2024 semester. Instructors are encouraged to fill out an online Course Reserves Form, and requests will be accepted throughout the year. 

Instructors will no longer have to upload course reserve links into their Blackboard courses. The University Libraries now use LibGuides to host all locally digitized material, which now offers a way to upload all requested material directly into Blackboard.   

For assistance in finding materials for their courses, instructors are encouraged to reach out to subject librarians for help. Any instructors with interest in using open educational resources for their courses or creating their own course materials may visit the libraries' Open Educational Resources webpage or email oer@uark.edu.  

The University Libraries Course Reserves Service provides access to supplementary course materials in support of the university's academic mission and operates in compliance with U.S. Copyright Law. All course reserve requests are processed in the order in which they are received, and processing may take up to three business days to begin.  

Branch-specific course reserve contacts are listed below:   

Mullins Library Course Reserve: (479) 575-4345; reserves@uark.edu 
Chemistry/Biochemistry Library: (479) 575-2557; chemres@uark.edu 
Physics Library: (479) 575-2505; physlibr@uark.edu 
Fine Arts Library: (479) 575-4708; falib@uark.edu 


Course Reserves Team,
University Libraries
479-575-4345, reserves@uark.edu

Kelsey Lovewell Lippard, director of public relations
University Libraries
479-575-7311, klovewel@uark.edu

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