New International Students to Be Welcomed Through Orientation, Events

New International Students to Be Welcomed Through Orientation, Events
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The Office of International Students and Scholars in the Graduate School and International Education is welcoming more than 200 new international students to campus this fall, and the office is offering a slate of events and resources to provide necessary and helpful information during the onboarding process.

Onboarding Training

With new undergraduate and graduate students within every academic college, stakeholders across campus support the ISS Office in welcoming and onboarding students into the University of Arkansas community. To learn more about what processes international students must complete upon arrival, how the ISS Office supports new international students, and what major concerns they have upon arrival, join us for a virtual session on Welcoming and Onboarding International Students for Fall 2024 from 3-4 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 1.

Immigration Basics

New international students are beginning to arrive on campus even now, with Immigration Basics beginning Aug. 5. This required half-day event is offered most weekdays throughout August and is required before a new international student can register for classes. Students select a day that works best for them and sign up through their application portal. During Immigration Basics, students report in person to ISS with their immigration documents and learn the most essential regulations required for successfully pursuing their goals in the United States. Immigration Basics also includes time at the Pat Walker Health Clinic to satisfy their MMR vaccination and other health requirements.

Welcome Days

International Welcome Days are hosted by the ISS Welcome and Belonging team along with Cross Cultural Mentors and guest speakers. These welcome days give students a big picture of campus life and how to thrive in their new environment. Grad Welcome Day will be on Friday, Aug. 9, and Undergrad Welcome Day is on Tuesday, Aug. 13. The week before classes begin, the team has a variety of other activities planned to help students feel more familiar with their new surroundings and get ready for classes, including a "Dinner in an American Home," undergraduate advising, and Welcome Picnic at Wilson Park.

International Arrival Guide

Another key part of the Welcome and Belonging strategy is the International Arrival Guide. This 50-plus page document provides students with answers to their most pressing concerns, from how to set up their UARK accounts to how to find housing to fun activities they can look forward to after their arrival. Our staff and faculty partners are welcome to engage with this guide and send the link to any student with questions about their arrival.

Again, join us at 3 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 1, for a virtual discussion of how we can welcome and onboard international students into the campus community of the University of Arkansas. For questions or to request a link to the recording after the session, please email the ISS Welcome and Belonging team at 


John Post, director of communications
Graduate School and International Education


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