Campus Parking Lots Have Been Renumbered

Campus Parking Lots Have Been Renumbered
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All parking lots on the U of A campus have been renumbered to align with an updated parking lot identification system. The updated system divides the campus into regions, with lots organized in numerical order based on their physical location and proximity to each other, making it easier to understand where lots are located across campus.

"In the past, lots were numbered as parking was added, removed and adjusted on campus, causing some inconsistencies in regard to their actual physical location," said Gary Smith, transit and parking director. "This update will help us achieve better organization and a more intuitive parking lot identification system for the U of A."

The university's interactive Campus Map has been updated with the new parking lot numbering system. Users can select "parking" from the filter menu of the map to see parking lot locations and numbers across campus. You can also click on the lots to view which permits can park there and what times the lots are enforced. The parking map PDF has also been updated showing both old and new lot numbers.

Zones of campus have been established to help understand where a lot is located based on its number. Lots north of Maple Street will begin with a 1, lots west of Razorback Road will begin with a 2, lots east of Razorback Road but west of Garland Avenue will begin with a 3, and lots east of Garland Avenue will begin with a 4. Lots considered "off-campus" will begin with a 5, such as the Studio Arts and Design District and Uptown campus.

New physical signage has been installed at each lot and new signs are being installed at the garage entrances, with updated designs that are easier to read. All signage is expected to be updated by the end of July.

A few color descriptors for lot designations are changing. Resident reserved lots (previously red) are now a dark purple, garages and pay parking areas are red, and short-term metered areas are light green. Five-minute drop-off/pick-up spaces are black.

"We realize that our lot numbers and colors have become well known over the years, and it will take time to become accustomed to these changes," Smith said. "We want to thank all members of our campus community in advance for their flexibility and understanding in the short term as we work to ease the process of learning our parking lots for years to come."

Resident Reserved parking zone numbers are also being updated to better reflect the area of campus they cover.

The new numbering system is not changing lot designations.

Parking Permits Available for Renewal

Faculty/staff permits for the upcoming academic year should be purchased or renewed online before Aug. 1. All existing permits will expire July 31. You can purchase a parking permit at

Any questions related to the update can be directed to the Transit and Parking office at 479-575-7275 or


Drew Watzke, communications manager
Facilities Management and Transit & Parking


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