Electrical Engineering Group Named 'Outstanding Small Section'
The Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers Ozark Section, which includes student groups from the U of A's College of Engineering, was awarded the "Best Small Section" for region five, which was forwarded to the organization's global competition.
The U of A has three associated student groups: IEEE, IEEE Power Electronics Society and IEEE Women in Engineering. In addition to the U of A, the Ozark Section covers student groups from the University of Arkansas at Fort Smith, John Brown University and the newly formed Computer Society and Young Professionals Society.
The 2024 awards acknowledge IEEE sections "for successful efforts in fulfilling the educational and scientific goals of IEEE for the benefit of the public by maintaining, enhancing and supporting the student branches, technical chapters and affinity groups within their geographic boundaries," according to the 2024 awards and recognition committee chair Preeti Bajaj.
IEEE Ozark Section Chair Chris Farnell, NCREPT associate director and assistant professor of electrical engineering and computer science, expressed thanks to volunteers and others who have supported the chapter over the years.
Dani Jackson, marketing and communication specialist
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
479-575-6197, dj016@uark.edu
Jennifer P. Cook, director of communications
College of Engineering
479-575-5697, jpc022@uark.edu