Microsoft Wi-Fi Vulnerability Requires Urgent Upgrade for Windows Users

Microsoft recently announced a Wi-Fi vulnerability in Windows systems that allows unauthorized users to remotely access a targeted device. This means cybercriminals could access a nearby Windows device without needing physical access. 

IT Services will be upgrading all university-managed Windows devices to a new supported version of Windows, ensuring these devices are safe from rising Wi-Fi attacks. Faculty, staff and students should upgrade their personal Windows systems to safeguard equipment and prevent a potential breach.  

It's important to note that this attack does not require any authentication, click of a link or other interaction from the targeted user for the cybercriminal to successfully hack into the device. It is essential that users upgrade to a supported version of Windows as soon as possible to avoid a Wi-Fi attack.  

Information about applying the most current Windows updates to personal devices can be found on the IT Services Software Updates page. For additional assistance or questions about system updates, contact the IT Help Desk


Ele Powell, assistant director of administrative communications
Division of Finance and Administration


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