Service Opportunity for Fall Course Credit

Service Opportunity for Fall Course Credit
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U of A students can earn course credit by being a Lunch Buddy mentor to a local elementary school student. Mentors visit a school twice weekly and sit with their mentees during lunchtime. Mentors promote positive social interactions among peers and offer social support to mentees. A Lunch Buddy Mentor receives three credit hours for being a consistent mentor and completing an end-of-term paper. 

Mentors must participate in a screening interview and brief training and agree to a criminal background check. Mentors must also have reliable transportation and a two-hour block twice a week during the school lunch period (roughly between 10:30 a.m. and 1 p.m.). U of A students from any college and classification (freshmen to senior) are eligible.

Other requirements include:

  • Undergraduate standing
  • Three-hour commitment per week
  • Minimum GPA of 3.0

The instructor for this course is Tim Cavell, professor of psychological science.

For more information, please contact Isabel Taylor at or Nick Orndoff at

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