Full Circle Food Pantry Summer Hours and Volunteer Opportunities
The Jane B. Gearhart Full Circle Food Pantry will be adjusting its open hours during the summer months. The pantry serves university affiliated students, staff, faculty, temporary employees, hourly employees and retirees up to two times per week. You may place an order through the pantry in several different ways: locker orders, express orders, advanced pick-up orders and onsite orders. All orders utilize our online ordering platform: https://app.pantrysoft.com/login/uark.
Pantry Summer Open Hours
Mondays: 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Wednesdays: 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.
The pantry will be closed May 13-28 and reopen on May 29.
Additional resources can be found on the Northwest Arkansas Foodbank website.
Order Types
On-site orders — Clients utilize our online ordering platform upon arrival to the pantry during open hours to place an order that is then fulfilled while the client waits in the pantry lobby.
Advanced pick-up orders — Clients utilize our online ordering platform to place an order that is ready to be picked up when checking in at the front desk of the pantry during open hours.
Locker orders — Clients utilize our online ordering platform to place an order that can be picked up from lockers when the pantry is closed.
Express orders — Clients utilize our online ordering platform to place an order that is delivered to a select set of pick-up locations on pre-determined days of the week.
Volunteer with Food Pantry
We have many summer volunteer opportunities for both students and staff.
Fall student volunteer applications will open mid-July!
Donation Drives
Interested in supporting the pantry through a donation drive? You can complete this form to let us know when you plan to host your drive.
Delaney Farris-Dyer, assistant director
Center for Community Engagement