La(s) Política(s) de la Estética Course Presents Mock Conferences Related to Spanish Postwar Period
On April 23 and 25, assistant professor of Spanish Dr. Rachel TenHaaf organized mock-conference presentations in a panel "Scenes from the Spanish Postwar Period." MA students in Dr. TenHaaf's SPAN 5283 course "La(s) Política(s) de la Estética" Elizabeth Varela Reyes, Louis Gehrke, Rachel Allen, Claudia Olvera, Alexia Chavez-Brown, Nilka Quintanar Vega and Maithe Leon Pulido all presented on the two-part workshop.
Students covered literary and cinematic representations of the postwar period in Spain, including writers and directors like Jesús Fernández Santos, Rafael Sánchez Ferlosio, Manuel Mur Oti and Luis Berlanga. All the papers presented in class have conference potential, but conference submission is not mandatory to their course grade.
TenHaaf has a forthcoming book titled Staging Dissent: Critical Realism on the Iberian Peninsula Under Dictatorship.
Larissa Rocha, graduate research assistant
Department of World Languages, Literatures and Cultures