New Faculty Teaching Portfolio Authors Recognized

Dr. Molly Rapert presents information to new faculty members in a program for the TFSC's Teaching Portfolio Program.
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Dr. Molly Rapert presents information to new faculty members in a program for the TFSC's Teaching Portfolio Program.

In the 2023-24 academic year, new faculty, classified as those in their first two years at the U of A, voluntarily completed a teaching portfolio project that involved attending four to five new faculty luncheons sponsored by the Cordes Teaching and Faculty Support Center, then responding to a variety of prompts.

Presentations throughout the year were led by Molly Rapert, marketing; Lorraine Brewer, chemistry/biochemistry; Amalie Holland, Camie Wood and Alex Dowell, all from the Global Campus; Neil Allison, chemistry/biochemistry; Kate Walker, biology; Faith Lessner, biology; and Don Johnson, agricultural education, communications and technology. 

The portfolios were then reviewed by members of the Teaching Academy and feedback provided. Special thanks to Teaching Academy members Susan Bristow, Deb Korth, Samantha Robinson and Carole Shook. 

Shook, also a TFSC co-director, said, "The Teaching Portfolio is a way for new faculty to document their improvements over the past year. Most faculty members discussed what was working well for them and what should be done to improve teaching in the future. This type of critical self-reflection can aid the new faculty member in their path for improvement, recognition and potential promotion. This program was part of an initiative by the TFSC to aid new faculty members in having recognition in the early years of their career at the University of Arkansas. The TFSC is delighted by the quality of work submitted by each of these inspiring faculty members."

The following faculty members successfully completed the Teaching Portfolio and will be recognized at the Fall Teaching Awards ceremony hosted by the Cordes Teaching and Faculty Support Center and the Teaching Academy. Reviewers spoke of the high quality of the writing and ideas shared by the faculty who participated in this program. 

Alexia Angton, Department of Sociology and Criminology

Christa Bentley, Department of Music

Ginger Blackstone, School of Journalism and Strategic Media

Morgan Denzer, Department of Food Science

Natalie Edwards, Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Robert "Bob" Foster, Department of Management

Rachel Frederikson, Department of Music

Sarah Grace, Department of Marketing

Kenny Grifno, Department of Information Systems

Sarah Hixson, School of Human Environmental Sciences

Marshall Jones, Department of Music

Brian McGowan, Department of History

Angela Mensah, Department of Communication

Jacob Monroe, Ralph E. Martin Department of Chemical Engineering

David Reavis, Information Systems

James Roddy, Mathematical Sciences

Wyann Stanton, Curriculum and Instruction

Susannah Swearingen, School of Journalism

Grace Vehige, Agricultural Education, Communications and Technology


Carole Shook, co-director
Cordes Teaching and Faculty Support Center


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