Student Body Elects 2024-25 ASG Executive Council and ASG Senate
The 2024-25 ASG Executive Council, top row from left: Mason Berres, president-elect; Aleesa Williams, vice president-elect; Rhea Patel, treasurer-elect; Sydney Roulhac, secretary-elect; and bottom: Logan Martin, chair-elect of the Senate; Adi Kombathula, chief justice-elect; Kennedy Maloney, the ASG chief of staff; and Hadley Burke, Freshman Leadership Forum coordinator.
Students have elected their executive and legislative Associated Student Government officials for the 2024-25 academic year. Next year's ASG executive committee includes:
- Mason Berres, a junior economics major with minors in marketing and legal studies from Argyle, Texas, who will serve as the 2024-25 and 103rd student body president.
- Aleesa Williams, a junior advertising and public relations major from Long Beach, California, who will serve as the 2024-25 student body vice president.
- Rhea Patel, a junior finance major with real estate concentration and a minor in legal studies from Bryant, who will serve as the 2024-25 student body treasurer.
- Sydney Roulhac, a junior communication major with a minor in marketing from Pine Bluff, who will serve as the 2024-25 student body secretary.
In addition, two individuals were elected to serve on the 2024-25 Executive Council by the ASG Senate and Judiciary:
- Logan Martin, a junior political science and philosophy major with a minor in legal studies from Bentonville, who was elected by the ASG Senate to serve as the 2024-25 ASG chair of Senate.
- Adi Kombathula, a junior finance major with a financial management/Investment concentration and a minor in legal studies from Little Rock, who was elected by the ASG Judiciary to serve as the 2024-25 ASG chief justice.
In addition, two individuals were selected to serve on the 2024-25 Executive Council by the executive-elects:
- Kennedy Maloney, a sophomore data science major with music industry data analytics concentration and a minor in legal studies from Jonesboro, who was selected by the executive-elects to serve as the 2024-25 ASG chief of staff.
- Hadley Burke, a junior political science and economics major from Bentonville, who was selected by the executive-elects to serve as the 2024-25 ASG Freshman Leadership Forum coordinator.
In the general election, students also had the opportunity to select senators to represent their specific colleges. The 2024-25 ASG senators are:
Dale Bumpers College of Agricultural, Food and Life Sciences
- Annalise Robbins
- Abigael Villeneuve
College of Education and Health Professions
- none
College of Engineering
- Catherine Warren
Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences
- Keelin Fisher
- Cooper Murphy
- Sydney Stewart
- Jackson Terrell
- Ashley Waters
- Sofia Westron
Fay Jones School of Architecture and Design
- Benjamin Purcel
- Gabriel Schlesing
Sam M. Walton College of Business
- Alexander Dennis
- Benjamin Schafer
Senate seats not filled in this election will be filled as at-large seats during the Fall 2024 ASG Vacancy Election.
In the general election, the student body also voted in favor of passing one referendum item that changed the position title of the Membership Development Coordinator to Freshman Leadership Forum Coordinator and removed the Associate Member Program from the ASG Constitution.
General elections were conducted on March 4-6. On March 7, the ASG Judiciary certified the results of the election and announced the results on March 8. The Chair of Senate Election took place at the ASG Senate meeting on March 5. The Chief Justice Election took place at the ASG Judiciary meeting on April 4. Following their election, the executive-elects conducted interviews following an application process and announced their appointments for chief of staff and Freshman Leadership Forum coordinator on April 1.
Cael Losenegger, president
Associated Student Government