School of Art Offers Art Scholarships to All U of A Students
The School of Art in the Fulbright College of Art and Sciences is pleased to announce art scholarships are now available for all students on campus interested in taking a summer 2024 art class. Applications are currently open now through Monday, April 8.
Students can apply for the one-time scholarship that will assist with tuition and fees for one summer 2024 art course taught through the School of Art.
"Current art major and minor students are supported with annual scholarship opportunities thanks to the Walton Foundation gift the school received in 2017," said Kayla Crenshaw, chief of staff and director of communications. "We are excited to extend scholarship support to all students this summer at the University of Arkansas and establish more pathways for access to art education on campus."
The School of Art offers several different courses throughout the summer. There are classes specifically for non-majors as well as courses that, in collaboration with advising and faculty, students can be enrolled in.
"Students looking to fulfill their arts requirement or interested in learning more about a specific art medium are encouraged to apply," said Donna Jones, director of recruitment and outreach. "The critical thinking skillsets developed through arts education benefit students from all academic backgrounds. Students have the opportunity to not only engage in the coursework academically, but enhance their personal and professional development. We are excited to invite students that may not have considered taking an art course before into the School of Art this summer."
Scholarship applications are open on now through Monday, April 8. For any specific questions, students are invited to reach out to Kim Crowell,, the School of Art scholarships and awards coordinator.
Below are the courses being offered this summer that qualify for scholarships:
- Intersession
- Art History, Case Studies in Art History: Korean Art
- Art History, Case Studies in Art History: Islamic Architecture
- Studio Art, Critical Issues in Experimental Media Art
- Five weeks one, May 28-June 28
- Art History, Special Topics in Art History: Arts of Asia
- Art History, Art History Survey II
- Studio Art, Drawing for Non-Majors: Experimental Methods
- Studio Art, Photography for Non-Majors
- Studio Art, Photo I: Darkroom
- Studio Art, Printmaking: Screenprinting
- Studio Art, Three-Dimensional Design
- Five weeks two, July 1-Aug. 2
- Studio Art, Ceramics: Handbuilding
- Studio Art, Ceramics: Wheelthrowing I
- Studio Art, Drawing for Non-Majors: Observation
- Studio Art: Photo I: Digital
- 10 weeks, May 28-Aug. 2
- Studio Foundations I
- Studio Foundations II
Kayla Crenshaw, chief of staff and director of communications
School of Art